- Interconnects Wire,Cables & Assemblies Coaxial cables assemblies
Raison has many experience for manufacture of a variety of radio frequency lead assemblies from DC to 50 GHZ. The capabilities include assembly of leads using flexible, semi flexible, semi-rigid and thick foam dielectric coaxial cables. A wide range of connectors have been kept in stock ready for assembly. To achieve this we have installed the latest technology precision processing machines. With the installed machinery we are able to accurately cut the coaxial cable to length and process the ends to precision tolerances before the connector is fitted. All assemblies are fully tested using HP & Wiltron Vector Network Analyzer. The tests performed may be specified by our customer, or designed by our engineers and agreed with the customer. We are dedictaed to our customer by servicing better, delivering quicker and making best quality. |
Supplier Information
Raison Enterprise Co., Ltd.
TEL : 886-2-2659-0060 FAX : 886-2-2797-371511491 No.12 , Lane 321 , Yangguang St. , Neihu Dist , Taipei , Taiwan, R.o.c.
Web-Site : http://www.commate.com.tw/
E-Mail : info@raison.com.tw